GUE Instructors

GUE utilizes meticulous care in the selection and training of their instructors; a thorough apprentice program together with a rigorous evaluation period help to insure the best quality representatives.

Instructor Training Programs

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GUE Instructor Trainers (IT) and Evaluators (IE) are tasked with developing and evaluating GUE instructors.


Ahmed Hagi
Dahab, Egypt
Veneto, Italy
Andrei Dmitriev
Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Dahab, Egypt
Mahmoud Esmat
Dahab, South Sinai, Egypt
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Niccolo Crespi
Portofino-Santa Margherita Ligure (GE), Italy
Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt
Sameh Sokar
Middle East & North Africa, Dahab, Egypt
South Africa