GUE Instructor resumé

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Classes I teach:
Discover Diving
Scuba Diver
Open Water Diver
Advanced Open Water Diver
Master Diver
GUE Fundamentals
Performance Diver
GUE Basic Fundamentals
GUE Technical Fundamentals
Doubles Primer
Drysuit Primer
Deep Primer
Navigation Primer
Rescue Primer
DPV Diver 1
Documentation Diver
Gas Blender
Cave Diver 1
Triox Cave Upgrade
Technical Diver 1
BLS-D & Oxygen First Aid
- Full-time GUE instructor
- GUE Fundamentals Instructor
- GUE Rec 1,2,3 Instructor
- GUE DPV 1 Instructor
- GUE Documentation Diver Instructor
- GUE Gas Blender Instructor
- GUE Cave 1 Instructor
- GUE Tech 1 Instructor
- GUE Doubles, Drysuit, Navigation, Triox, Rescue, Primer Instructor
- GUE / DAN BLS-D & Oxygen First Aid Instructor
- Bachelor of Arts International Management
Diving Qualifications
- GUE Cave 2 Diver
- GUE Tech 2 Diver
- GUE DPV 1 Diver
- GUE DPV Cave Diver
- GUE RB80 Diver
- GUE Underwater Cave Survey
- GUE Documentation Diver
- PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer
Diving Experience
- Diving since 2006
- 4000+ dives
- including:
- Cave dives
- Wreck dives
- Ocean dives
- Ice dives
- Mixed Gas dives
- DPV dives
- ...
Community Involvement
- Project Baseline
- Cave Project Morpheus
- MCEP - Mexico Cave Exploration Project
- Sardinia Cave Project
- Phreatic Sardinia
- Project EKM Portugal
- Organizer of several GUE Community Events
Special interests
- Wreck diving
- Cave diving
- Survey & Mapping
- Quest Magazin
Languages I teach classes in
- English
- German
Additional languages
- German
- English
Additional Info
I am located in Cologne Germany, but I am happy to travel anywhere for training if needed.
Ich komme aus Köln, bin aber gerne bereit für Kurse zu reisen.