GUE Instructor resumé

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Classes I teach:
Discover Diving
Scuba Diver
Open Water Diver
GUE Fundamentals
Performance Diver
GUE Basic Fundamentals
GUE Technical Fundamentals
Doubles Primer
Drysuit Primer
DPV Diver 1
Documentation Diver
Gas Blender
William Wooill Hong 홍우일
Korea (South)
Nanning, China

- Computer center manager of Samsung SDS (1992 ~ 1996)
- HRD & e-Learning specialist of Samsung SDS (1996 ~ 2001)
- Owner of e-Learning contents related company (2001 ~ 2008)
- Co-owner of publishing company (2007 ~ 2010)
- Owner of International special yarn trading company (2010 ~ )
- Scuba Kinetics Korea diving center (2012 ~ )
- 삼성SDS 전산실 근무 (1992 ~ 1996)
- 삼성SDS 인재개발팀, e-Campus팀 근무 (1996 ~ 2001)
- (주)에쥬바인(e-Learning 컨텐츠) 대표 (2001 ~ 2008)
- 성림출판사 공동 대표 (2007 ~ 2010)
- (주)바인인터내셔널 대표 (2010 ~ )
- Scuba Kinetics Korea
- B.Sc. Computer Science & Statistics of Kyungbook National University
- B.S.Ec. Economics of Kyungbook National University
- 전산통계학, 경제학 전공 - 경북대학교
Diving Qualifications
- GUE Instructor
- PADI Instructor
- SSI Instructor
- IANTD Instructor
- TDI Instructor
- SDD Training Director
- DAN Instructor
- GUE T2, C2, DPV Diver
Diving Experience
- Since 1993
- 4000+ Dives
- 500+ Dives - Overhead environment diving
- 600+ Dives - Trimix deep diving
Community Involvement
- Multiple diving magazine contributions.
- Multiple editorial supervisions of publishing books.
- Multiple diving educational materials translation.
Additional languages
- English
- Korean