GUE Instructor resumé

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Classes I teach:
Discover Diving
Scuba Diver
Open Water Diver
GUE Fundamentals
Performance Diver
GUE Basic Fundamentals
GUE Technical Fundamentals
Doubles Primer
Drysuit Primer
DPV Diver 1
Jan Schmid
Puerto Aventuras , Mexico
On request, EU wide, Germany

- CaveCCR - Founder/Owner
- JJ-CCR instructor/service technician (manufacturer approved)
- Hyperbaric chamber operator
- Expedition/Safety Diver/Medical Person in charge
- Dipl.-Ing. medical engineering
- HLM Perfusionist
- GTUEM hyperbaric chamber operator
- IAATO guide
Diving Qualifications
- GUE Cave2, CCR1, Tech1, DPV diver
- TDI JJ-CCR advanced mixed gas Instructor
- TDI Cave - Rebreather/stage/sidemount/DPV instructor
- TDI trimix instructor
- TDI SF2 ECCR Instructor backmount/sidemount
- CCR diver on multiple units
- Freediver lvl2
- Human Factors (Lvl2 face to face with Gareth Lock)
Diving Experience
- 4500+ dives (worldwide)
- 1800+ cave dives (Mexico, Florida, Thailand, Philippines, Europe, New Zealand, Indonesia, Palau)
- 3000+ rebreather dives
- 1200+ DPV dives (OC, CCR, cave)
- 500+ Wreck dives
- 300+ ‚T2/CCR2‘ level dives
- 50+ dives below -1°C (30°F)
- 200+ technical/ccr/cave divers trained
Community Involvement
- Several cave exploring/surveying/mapping projects
Special interests
- Cave surveying/mapping/exploring
- Closed Circuit Rebreather technologies
- Indoor rowing
- Tennis
- Ski touring
- Downhill MTB
- Audio-HiFi
Languages I teach classes in
- English
- German
Additional languages
- English
- German
- basic French (not teaching)
- basic Spanish (not teaching)
- Latin (written)
Additional Info
Jan was born in Germany, holds a masters degree in Medical Engineering and is a trained Hyperbaric Chamber Operator. He is a passionate technical diver interested in diving medicine and rebreather technologies.
Full time diving educator in Mexico, owner of CaveCCR and a manufacturer approved JJ-CCR service technician; Jan has been diving on all 7 continents in various environments from ocean reefs to wrecks, quarries, ice, caves and mines. In his free time you can find him on expeditions or just surveying, mapping, exploring caves.