GUE Instructor resumé

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Classes I teach:
GUE Fundamentals
Performance Diver
GUE Basic Fundamentals
GUE Technical Fundamentals
Doubles Primer
Drysuit Primer
Alessandro Vezzani
Akumal. Qroo, Mexico
Pistoia, Italy

- Manager in Akumal Dive Center (Current)
- Electrical Engineering University Pisa
- Secondary School in Montecatini Terme
- Recretional and Technical dive School
Diving Qualifications
- GUE Fundamental Instructor
- GUE Cave 2, GUE Sidemount, GUE Dpv Cave
- GUE Tech 1
- IANTD Cave, Tech, Trimix,SCR, Sidemount instructor
- PADI, SSI Instructor
- EFR Instructor
- Hyperbaric Chamber Tender
- IANTD Gas Blender
Diving Experience
- 6000+ Dives around in the world, including Ocean dives, Drift dive, Wreck dives, Technical and Cave dives, SCR and CCR Rebreather Dives.
Community Involvement
- Project Base Akumal
- PDCUE (Playa Del Carmen Underwater Explorers)
- TUE (Tulum Underwater Explorers)
- Expedition Akumal Project
- Operation Wallacea Project
- Sea World Sub Team member and expedition (1999-2008)
- Ponderosa Mapping Project 2017
- La Viminale Expedition 2002 -2004
- The Baltic Wreck Expedition 2005
- The Black Expedition 2006
- Albania Valona Wreck expedicion 2006
Special interests
- Wreck and Naval History
- Cave dive
- Ocean Biology
- Atletic Game (Pole vault and Decathlon)
- Electric Activity
Additional languages
- Italy, English, Spanish, French (basic)
Additional Info
Alessandro is a patient and passionate instructor, intent on passing his experience and Knowledge to all student to make the best out of diving. Available for personal traning in Mexico, all Caribe and Europe.