GUE Instructor resumé

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Classes I teach:
Discover Diving
Recreational Supervised Diver
Recreational Diver 1 - Nitrox
Recreational Diver 2 - Triox
Doubles Diver
Drysuit Diver
Navigation Primer
Rescue Primer
Triox Primer
DPV Diver 1

Rick van Beerendonk

Tilburg, Netherlands



  • Projectmanager at Yacht


  • Business management

Diving Qualifications

  • GUE: DPV Cave, Tech 1 & gas blender.
  • DAN: DMT.
  • PADI: Divemaster.

Diving Experience

  • I dive mostly in cold water here in the Netherlands, that's also where I made my first dive. Since then my experience expanded towards cave & wreck diving and to all kinds of beautiful places around the world. Before I became a GUE instructor I've been active as a divemaster. The latest class I participated in was DPV, really awesome to explore the caves in Mexico!

Community Involvement

  • Project Baseline Nionplas: yearly hosting a clean-up dive.
  • 2019 - Survey of Cala Luna (Sardinia)
  • Since 2020 - Core-team member of Ghost Diving The Netherlands as volunteer
  • 2021 - CINDAQ scienceproject at Yax Chen (Mexico)
  • 2023 - Ghost diving Spain project Tossa de Mar
  • 2023 - Ghost Nets Malta Project with Ghost Diving, Healthy Seas and Zibel
  • 2024 - Operation Ghost farms western Greece

Special interests

  • All kinds of other sports: squash, top-rope climbing, running and generally being active.

Languages I teach classes in

  • Dutch
  • English

Additional languages

  • Nederlands (Dutch)
  • English

Additional Info

From the moment I made my first dive, I was hooked. It has been my passion ever since! I love to be underwater and made a lot of new friends along the way. I quite soon got in contact with GUE and am currently enjoying all kinds of diving, from recreational to tech & cave. I'm proud to be able to train new divers and welcome them to our GUE community. I'm super happy to contribute in expanding our recreational diver community here in The Netherlands and who knows what's more to come!