GUE Instructor resumé

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Classes I teach:
GUE Fundamentals
Performance Diver
GUE Basic Fundamentals
GUE Technical Fundamentals
Doubles Primer
Drysuit Primer
Serena Keeler
Wellington, New Zealand
- Marine Biologist with the National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research NZ (NIWA)
- NIWA Diving Safety Officer and Scientific Diving Instructor
- NIWA Marine Biodiversity Group Manager
- Marine Biosecurity Scientist
- PhD Biological Sciences (2004), University of Auckland
Diving Qualifications
- GUE: T1, Fundamentals, Gas Blender
- ADAS Part 1 R
- Worksafe New Zealand Occupational Diver
- NIWA Scientific Diver
- Instructor: GUE Fundamentals
- NIWA Scientific Dive Instructor
- PADI Open water, Specialty (Dry suit, DPV) and EFR
- DAN Oxygen and First Aid Instructor
- NZUA Air Fillers
Diving Experience
- 1200+ logged dives
- Mixed gas
- Occupational/Scientific
Community Involvement
- I designed and led the data collection of a Project Baseline project in New Zealand which investigated the effects of marine debris on the health of marine benthic communities in a marina in Wellington.
- I was extensively involved with Ghost Diving NZ for 3 years. Ghost Diving NZ was a GUE-focused clean-up team which promoted GUE diving practices and philosophies in their work. During this time I played a significant role in large scale clean-up efforts around Wellington and New Zealand, removing hundreds of tonnes of rubbish from the marine environment. I delivered a TED talk on the importance of removing rubbish from the environment and the initiatives to achieve long-term clean-up efforts in New Zealand.
- I participate in GUE Dive Days at the stunning Poor Knights Marine Reserves. I am passionate about GUE training and supporting the community, providing training and also helping GUE divers to get out diving together. In fact, all new NIWA divers must complete a GUE Fundamentals class before they can begin with scientific dive training. That's how much we believe in the training and the philosophies.
Special interests
- I love being in the water so when the swell rolls in (and I can't dive) I'll be out surfing. And if I'm not in the water I'll probably be out for a ride on my motorbike! Have a wee addiction for superbikes, having owned an Aprilia RSV4RR, a Honda CBR1000RR and now a Kawasaki Hyabusa. I also love getting out for walks with my dog Otto and spending time with my husband and daughter.
Additional languages
- English
Additional Info
I'm based in Wellington