GUE Instructor resumé

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Classes I teach:
Discover Diving
Scuba Diver
Open Water Diver
Advanced Open Water Diver
Master Diver
GUE Fundamentals
Performance Diver
GUE Basic Fundamentals
GUE Technical Fundamentals
Doubles Primer
Drysuit Primer
Deep Primer
Navigation Primer
Rescue Primer
DPV Diver 1
DPV Cave
Cave Diver 1
Cave Diver 2
Cave Sidemount
Underwater Cave Survey
Fred Devos
Puerto Aventuras, Mexico
- 2006 to present: Co-owner of Zero Gravity Dive Center
- 2017 to present: Co-Owner Cafe Caribe
- 1999 to 2006: Owner of AQUA EXPLORATION
- 1999 to present: Director of FRIENDS OF PUERTO AVENTURAS
- 1995 to 1996: Full time scuba instructor, facility manager (Honduras)
- 1993 to 2005: ESL teacher (Taiwan and Mexico)
Diving Qualifications
- Cave Instructor / Instructor trainder GUE
- Cave Recovery Diver: NSS-CDS
- RB80 Rebreather diver
Diving Experience
- +6,000 logged dives
- 5,000+ cave dives
- 1000+ cave dives using stage diving techniques
- 500+ cave dives using DPVs
- 400+ hrs RB80 Rebreather
- 400+ sidemount dives
- Longest Cave Penetration 7,000 m / 24,000 ft
- 24,000+ m / 80,000+ft Cave Passage Explored and Surveyed
- Co-Director and Exploration Diver for Mexico Cave Exploration Project (MCEP)
- Exploration Diver for Grupo de Exploración Ox Bel Ha (GEO)
- Underwater Cave Exploration in Quintano Roo / Yucatan / Tamualipas Mexico, China, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Community Involvement
- Founding Member of Mexico Cave Exploration Project
- Founding Member of Grupo de Exploracion Ox Bel Ha
- Administrator CINDAQ A.C.
- Produced 20+ cave maps
- Initiated and assisted with numerous scientific cave studies
- Guest Presenter - GUE Conference - 2006
- Guest Speaker - QRSS Cave Diving Conference - 2003, 2004
- Regular contributor of articles to Quest and other cave and diving journals
Special interests
- Underwater Cave Exploration, Survey, Cartography
- Dry Caving
- Community volunteer
- Video Editing
- Writing
- Barista
- Quest Journal
- Association for Mexican Cave Studies Newsletter
- +30 Underwater Cave maps
- Co-author of varios scientific publications
Additional languages
- Spanish
- English
Additional Info
Fred is a passionate educator and a diving addict who works hard to provide others with all the tools necessary to enjoy diving and life as much as he does!