코스 세부 정보

Course Description: GUE Fundamentals
Location: Gilboa Quarry, Ohio, United States
Date: August 7, 2019 - August 10, 2019
Instructor:Meredith Tanguay
Applied/Registered: 0/3 (Please contact the instructor to verify any empty spots before paying the registration fee.)
Additional info:Rare GUE offering in this area. This class is FULL. Please inquiry now if interested in a class in this location Summer 2020. GUE divers in the area should reach out to mer@gue.com to be connected with community building events in conjunction with this class.

Other locations in Ohio considered based on student interest. Please do email if you are interested in this class in OHIO!

Skill refinement class suitable for certified divers of all levels; both those seeking further GUE training and those taking a single class to tweak skills. Nitrox training included.

For more information, please contact Mer at mer@gue.com or 978-233-1637 before registering.

Looking for a class in Florida, Hawaii, or your other preferred location that meets your schedule? Contact Mer today to add a class!

NUMBER REGISTERED DOES NOT INDICATE SEATS AVAILABLE. Must contact Wet Rocks Diving http://schedule.wetrocksdiving.com to inquire about available seats.